double your lead flow with our GFA system for free

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Let's be real, growing a service business might not come with cheat codes. But with us, it sure feels like it. Click below to get the free training for service businesses.

marketing for business growth

We help SaaS & service companies (online/local) get more leads, convert more customers and keep them longer with our:

"Growth Funnel Accelerator" program

..All without manual setters, cold DMs, cold emails, or any manual work whatsoever

Running a company is hard

If you're like most SMBs, you probably suffer from the same things...

  • Frustrated by the limited knowledge on what works and what doesn't

  • Limited to referrals and word-of-mouth as acquisition channels

  • Losing sleep over inconsistent & unpredictable lead flow

  • Messaging that doesn't resonate with your audience

  • Lacking the system to scale and grow your business

  • Stuck doing low leverage tasks

But we change the game

Our partners experience...

  • Consistent, reliable and predictable lead flow using effective advertising, marketing and sales strategies

  • Confidence in making strong decisions using a robust system to see what is working and what isn't

  • Implementation of additional acquisition channels and an increased rate of referrals

  • Spending 80% of their time on the 20% of tasks that move the needle

  • Aligned messaging that drives their audience to take action

  • An effective system to grow and scale their business

Ready to level up?

Unlock the cheat codes to a high-scoring, profitable service business.

Most agencies are the same

If you've ever worked with an agency before, you probably know this already...

  • They take on as many clients as they possibly can

  • They don't care about your long-term business growth

  • They want you to spend as much money as possible on ad spend

  • They never over-deliver and you get only for what you pay for (or less)

  • They are difficult to get in contact with and they are seldom available for you

  • they use the same ads, funnels and scripts for every company they work with.. over and over

We do the exact opposite

We are disrupting the agency space

Through long-term, growth partnerships.

What makes us different?

Our Four Step "GFA" Process

Phase I

Identify Your Best customer

We pick your players, fine-tune your messaging, and roll out irresistible offers your customers can't say no to. Much like plotting a move in chess, we like to stay a few steps ahead.

Our proprietary research process helps us pick your players, fine-tune your messaging, and roll out irresistible offers your customers can't say no to. Much like plotting a move in chess, we like to stay a few steps ahead.

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Phase II

Build Your AI Conversion Assets

We'll build your blueprint, shape your funnel and construct the custom system your business needs to grow. This is how we level the playing field.

We'll build your blueprint, shape your funnel, write conversion copy, train and install your AI sales agent and construct the custom system your business needs to grow. This is how we level the playing field.

Phase III

Launch Your Profitable Campaign

Much like a SpaceX rocket launch, we stand-by in the control room to make sure your business makes it to the moon. We'll identify the traffic source, strategy, and acquisition model to equip your business with the least resistant path to growth possible. Disclaimer: Elon not included.

Much like a SpaceX rocket launch, we stand-by in the control room to make sure your business makes it to the moon. We'll identify the traffic source, strategy, and acquisition model to equip your business with the least resistant path to growth possible. Disclaimer: Elon is not included.

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Phase IV

Optimize For Customers On Auto-Pilot

Where we make regular updates by automating routines, elevating strategies, and optimizing for peak performance. Why? So you can focus on what matters the most to your business.

Where we make regular updates by automating routines, elevating strategies, and optimizing for peak performance. Why? So you can focus on what matters the most to your business.

Need proof? Check the scoreboard

Our SMB partners get to play a different game and get different results.


Partners serviced


Hours saved per week on average


Home run rate (10x return or more)


Growth campaigns built, launched & tested

Our mastered platforms & precision tools

(Click the image for a secret guide..)

The only growth guide you'll ever need

Don't take it from us, try it for yourself. Hop on the waitlist today.

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Growth isn't just a metric – it's our heartbeat.

Meet the RGM team

Jake Roper, mirrors excellence of a different kind. An ex-college athlete with a knack for strategy and a penchant for words, he transitioned into the dynamic world of growth marketing. With years dedicated to freelancing, Jake has been the strategic mind behind successful growth campaigns for diverse enterprises. His journey from the playing field to the business arena reflects in his goal-driven strategies and investments.

Combined, Jake and his team of dedicated professionals are fortified by over a decade of experience in advertising, sales and marketing. At Roper Growth Media, we're not just about strategies; we're about strategies that resonate, engage, and convert. We pride ourselves in crafting bespoke growth blueprints, tailored for businesses ready to level up. Remember the feeling of playing a game on easy mode? That's how we approach growth. Because while business doesn't come with cheat codes, with us on your team, it sure feels like it does.

For owners, founders & operators

Unlock the latest + greatest in business growth & marketing.

Unlock the latest + greatest in business growth & marketing.

For people looking to

get hired

If you're an ambitious, life-long learner, we'd love to meet you!

If you're an ambitious, life-long learner, we'd love to meet you!


What do you guys even do?

At our core, RGM functions as your navigator in the digital marketing & advertising game. We analyze, strategize, and implement moves to help you conquer each stage of your business journey. Think of us as your very own game masters meticulously planning every move on a game board, ensuring optimal outcomes for your business at every turn. You can say we are a marketing agency.. but that wouldn't be the entire truth!

Why is RGM the partner for me?

Why is pizza delicious? Why is the sky blue? No, seriously. Selecting Roper Growth Media is an investment in the old and the new. We bring a fusion of traditional growth strategies and a fresh, game-centric approach, making business growth not just effective, but exhilarating. If you're looking to not just play, but dominate the game of business, we're your team.

How quickly can I 'level up' my business working with Roper Growth Media?

Every game is unique and similarly, each business moves at its own pace. While some see instant success, others might take a strategy-rich route. However, our dedicated approach, much like that of a player gunning for the #1 spot on the scoreboard, ensures we're consistently pushing boundaries. As our partner, you're not just playing — you're playing with an edge.

Can you guarantee results?

We're committed, passionate, and play to win – every single time. Drawing upon our extensive toolkit and expertise, we're focused on maximizing success for all of our partners. For each program we offer, and for each industry we work with we offer different guarantees. Please schedule a strategy session to learn more.

What makes your different than any other marketing agency?

The term 'marketing agency' has been under fire in recent years. These are companies that charge you erroneous fees, they'll run your ads and they won't care if they perform.

At RGM, we work differently.

Think of us as your growth partner. For every company that we partner with, we assume a role within the company. Our investment in our partners align interests. That way, we care about the performance.

We partner with companies that we believe in, products & services that we use, and we will fight relentlessly to make sure we can both grow together. We aren't an agency, we are growth partners.

What type of companies do you work with?

We primarily like to partner with companies who offer products/services that are $200+. With that being said, we have worked with low-ticket E-Commerce in the past, it's just a different ball game. Our Growth Funnel Accelerator has seen success in industries like: SaaS, retail, brick-and-mortar, coaches, course creators, professional services, you name it! However, if you're making between $120,000 & $10m annually that tends to be the sweet spot for us. However, apply either way to find out if you qualify. You may even qualify if you're outside our parameters! Click here to apply for a free growth evaluation- tailor-made for your business and your unique challenges.

Copyright © 2024 Roper Growth Media. All Rights Reserved.

Copyright © 2023 Roper Growth Media. All Rights Reserved.